(for advanced users only)

Read more about setting metatags here

Vote poll.
To add vote poll to your website, put {%vote%} tag in place you want it to be displayed.
We recommend to create table first and place vote poll in table cell

Example HTML source

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

To add news to your website, put {%news%} tag in place you want them to be displayed.
We recommend to create table first and place news in table cell

Example HTML source

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Dynamic menu .
Every created menu need to be difined first. You can define menu in template only, using menu tags.

{%menu_start=1%} Menu is starting... digit "1" mean, we define "menu 1"

<a href="{%menu_href%}">{%menu_display%}</a>

{%menu_end=1%} Menu ends...

Menu can be displayed as simple list or as table, there is no limits.

Example 1
Display menu in table, every menu subpage is table cell

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="menu">
<a href="{%menu_href%}">{%menu_display%}</a>


Example 2
Display menu in table, every menu subpage is table row

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="menu">
<a href="{%menu_href%}">{%menu_display%}</a>


Example 3
Display menu as simple list

- <a href="{%menu_href%}">{%menu_display%}</a><br>


You don't have to use dynamic menu, sometimes it's just impossible (for flash menus), then create new menu, add subpages and use their URLs, you can find them here (look at right side - "index.php?p=1_3"):


Photo Gallery.
To add photo gallery to your website, put {%gallery_GalleryName%} tag in place you want it to be displayed.

Example HTML source
for gallery "Holidays"


Contact Form.
To add contact form to your website, put {%contact%} tag in place you want it to be displayed.

Example HTML source


Display Date .
To add Date to your website, put {%date%} tag in place you want it to be displayed.

Example HTML source


Display Source Code.
To add Cource Code to your website, put {%include_includename%} (lowercase) tag in place you want it to be displayed.

Example HTML source
for code "Hello"


Display SEO words.
To display SEO words on your website, put {%seo%} tag in place you want it to be displayed.

Example HTML source
